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The AlfaStop Quality Mark

Many of the parts stocked by AlfaStop are sourced from the original suppliers to Alfa Romeo. However, items are being discontinued and we are having to commission the production of an increasing number of parts, both to continue to offer existing items and to increase our product range.

Q Tick logo (big)
The AlfaStop Quality Mark Q Tick logo indicates parts which are made exclusively for AlfaStop, usually in the U.K., many of which have the AlfaStop logo included in the design. We use a number of criteria when selecting our suppliers, including ability to produce the desired parts, experience & reputation, quality control, interest and attitude. Customers of our suppliers include Aston Martin, Lotus, JCB, McLaren, and Rolls Royce, to name a few.

You can be confident of product quality when you see Q Tick logo!

1900 / 2000 102 / 2600 / Romeo / Giulietta 750 & 101 1300 / Giulia 101 1600 / Giulia 105 / ...and now, for something completely different